València shares its Missions València 2030 strategy @ Nantes Innovation Forum

València, as one of the six finalists of the European Capital of Innovation Awards, presented the first steps of the Missions València 2030 Strategy in the Nantes Forum, with examples from EU projects like MAtchUP and FogGuru

05 Nov 2020 - NEWS RELEASE

Nantes, European Capital of Innovation 2019, organised the event Nantes Innovation Forum where representatives from several European Cities met to share good practices in the field of smart cities and urban resilience. Among them, we find cities like València, Barcelona, Murcia, Utrecht, Rotterdam, Paris, Milan or Espoo.

The event is based on the idea that innovation is a goal that must be achieved through collective intelligence and is the answer to many local challenges that most European cities are facing today, as well as a way to make cities more resilient.

Specifically, on October 8th, València was invited to participate in a roundtable on European urban labs to promote innovation in cities. Gemma Roig, European Projects Manager at Las Naves, hold a speech together with representatives from the European Commission, the Nantes metropolitan region and the Turin City Lab.

During her talk, Mrs Roig presented some of the main ideas of the Missions València 2030 Strategy, as well as a consideration on the strengths and weaknesses of the last strategy, with which València ran for the EU Capital of Innovation Award 2020, finally ending up among the six finalists with an award of 100.000 euros.

The València constellation

Besides, the Las Naves representative presented European projects in which Las Naves is participating under the motto “The València constellation”: MAtchUP and FogGuru.

The MAtchUP in València, the aim of which is to design and implement innovative solutions in the fields of energy, mobility and IC to improve the quality of life in the Poblats Marítims District, has shown a lot of progress. This project includes the “El Marítim Innova” initiative. You can check the website

Together with MAtchUP, the FogGuru project was also introduced. The project tries to provide solutions for the management and control of water leaks through the analysis of data.