The New European Bauhaus encompasses a multidisciplinary approach to the challenge of sustainable and equitable living. This conference showcases projects (financed through the LIFE and Horizon 2020 programmes) working on different aspects of the transformation necessary for a carbon-neutral 2050. On 15th November from 2.30 to 3.45 PM, MAtchUP will join the session “Monitoring and measuring behavioural change“.
This session addresses how to monitor and measure behavioural change, and the challenges that LIFE and Horizon projects face in the process of documenting this change. Does the way to monitor and measure behavioural change have to be tailor-made to the local context and/or specific problem? If yes, could the same approach that proved effective in one project be replicated to another location or issue? Find out more in this unmissable session.
Check out the agenda and register NOW!
15 Nov 2021 from 14:30 to 15:45 (CEST)
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