Hackathon 2019 – when geo data will become part of digital worlds

Registrations for the “Open Data Camp 2019” are now open.

17 Oct 2019 - PRESS RELEASE

The principle of open data is becoming more and more important worldwide. The availability of data is also increasingly becoming an important economic factor, and they are part of a modern infrastructure. The Open Data Portal of the state capital Dresden went online in mid-June. At opendata.dresden.de, the administration offers around 900 open data records. The pioneer of this development was the state enterprise ‘Geobasisinformation und Vermessung Sachsen’ (GeoSN), which placed the first terabyte of open geodata from all of Saxony on the Internet. The ‘Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe’ (VVO) also has extensive data sources at its disposal.

In order to make this treasure of data accessible, the Office for Economic Development of the City of Dresden, the ‘Geo-Daten-Infrastruktur Sachsen e. V.’ (Geo Data Infrastructure Saxony) and other partners are inviting you to the hackathon. The Open Data Camp under the slogan “Digital Worlds with Geodata” will take place on Saturday, November 9 and Sunday, November 10 at the Saxon State Library – Dresden State and University Library (SLUB). Registrations are now possible at www.dresden.de/odcDresden2019. With the hashtag #odcDresden19 participants and interested can network and exchange themselves.

Open Data Camp_copyright Landeshauptstadt Dresden
Open Data Camp_copyright Landeshauptstadt Dresden

“We were able to win strong partners for the event. I am confident that together with the community we can show the potential of Open Data for business, science and civil society. With the City of the Future Process, we have the opportunity to promote innovative and sustainable civic engagement, “reports Dr. Robert Franke, Head of the Office for Economic Development. The hackathon is organised as part of the European lighthouse project MAtchUP of the Office for Economic Development.

This year’s Open Government Data Hackathon will highlight new, exciting fields of application for Open Data. Jens Opitz, chairman of the GDI SN association, explains: “We are particularly interested in providing a wide range of support in the extraction, maintenance and use of geodata as a basis for action in all areas of social life and for tapping new value creation potential. In order to increase the value of geodata as a fuel for digitalisation, this hackathon offers an ideal platform, which is why we, as an association, play a key role in initiating and planning the event.”

All participants are free to choose their own focus. The best results will be awarded with prizes by a jury. The Chair of Geoinformatics at the TU Dresden, headed by Prof. Dr. Lars Bernard, will support the implementation of new ideas for applications and visualizations for the data. If the resulting prototypes or concepts are suitable for project development in the Future City Programme of the state capital Dresden, they can be selected for in-depth development.

The slogan “Open Data Camp: Digital Worlds with Geodata” refers this year to the focus of the data provided. As an innovative IT location, Dresden has an excellent software development scene. With the publication of numerous data sets as Open Data, business, science and civil society have free access to public data.

The results of the hackathon will be presented on 28 January 2020 at the event “Digital Worlds – Congress for Geoinformatics and Geodesy” in the plenary hall of the Dresden City Hall. Joint organisers are GDI SN, DVW Sachsen e. V., Bund der Öffentlichbestellten Vermessungsingenieure e. V. (BDVI Landesverband Sachsen) and Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (VDV Landesverband Sachsen).

Further Information:

What is a hackathon?
An Open Data Hackathon allows you to jointly create useful, innovative or entertaining software products during the duration of the event. In teams, a concept or prototype is developed in a self-organized manner within a specified time. At the end of the event, the teams present their results to a jury and receive an award. Everybody is invited who wants to create new innovative solutions for given problems with the help of data.

Contact and organization:

Dr. Michael Anz at MAtchUP Office of the Department for Economic Development of the City of Dresden.
Telefon: 0351-4888732 | Fax: 0351-4888733

Geo-Daten-Infrastruktur Sachsen e. V. (GDI SN)
Telefon: 0351-8981925, Fax 0351-8981920

More information on the website.

This press release was published by the City of Dresden and translated into Englisch by the MAtchUP Office oft he City of Dresden.

Cever picture by NESA by Makers on Unsplash