There is a large potential to integrate substantial shares of renewable energy and waste heat sources in district heating and/or cooling networks (DHC), reducing dependency of DHC on fossil fuels and ultimately leading to a more efficient and sustainable energy system. Several EU funded projects are currently working on this topic.
The main concepts of the report focus on reducing the dependency of DHC on fossil fuels and ultimately leading to a more efficient and sustainable energy system. This publication presents several projects working on DHC, highlights the challenges tackeld, the lessons lernt and draws few conclusions about the integration of substantial shares of renewable energy sources in district heating and/or cooling systems.
Furthermore, within the workshop, 3 different polls were launched in order to interact with the attendants and know which was the main background (being industry/engineering/consultancy and scientific community representing the 83%) and their opinion related to the DHC projects development. The results of the consultation are available in the report.
Vázquez, M.V.C.; Corscadden, J.; Marijuan, A.G.; Barbagelata, G.; Hamann, G.; Grosjean, M.; Mendoza, N. Integration of Renewables in DHC for Sustainable Living Workshop. Proceedings 2020, 65, 30.