MAtchUP newsletter 4

Welcome to a new issue of our colourful newsletter!

30 Jan 2020 - NEWSLETTER


 We hope the 2020 off to a good start. 

The 2020 is called by many as the year of the change, mostly thanks to the Green New Deal. This package of measures was launched by the EU to address the climate emergency. In short terms, it’s about making Europe the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050 and to cut GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2030. In this frame, Smart City projects play a crucial role in achieving the goals.


In this issue, you’ll read stories from MAtchUP partners and external voices about the most critical and most common problems that cities are tackling. During the last months, our cities focused mostly on urban issues like mobility and climate change, air pollution, energy consumption, citizen engagement. You can find news and articles dedicated to these topics, with figures, insights and picture galleries.


We’ve also published a series of video interviews about last innovations in Valencia: mobility information boards, sensors to monitor energy consumption, public transports’ sensors to cut air pollution, energy-saving programs and apps for schools and citizens. They’re all collected on our YouTube channel. Next time will be the turn of Antalya and Dresden as well!


Last but not least, we ended 2019 with our first meeting in a follower city, and it was a great meeting! Engaging fellow cities and making them committed to the project is a crucial goal for MAtchUP. Watch the video interviews to Ostend, Kerava and Skopje!


All in all, our articles tell you about our success stories by showing both the challenging side and the positive one. 


Get inspiration, tell us your stories and let your comments on our website, Twitter or LinkedIn. The more we share, the more we learn.


In the next months, we will publish new video interviews; we’re working on new articles; and, we have some “top-secrets matchup-colourful-style” ideas in mind.


Click here to read the newsletter in your browser!
Enjoy the reading and stay tuned!

Ernesto Faubel

Ayuntamiento de València
MAtchUP coordinator