Citizens solution

Policy improvements

Several modifications and recommendations on city policies will be developed.

Based on all the MAtchUP developments, a redefinition of city policies will be deployed affecting the redesign of taxes structure, the definition of new schemes for public subsidies and loans to foster private investments in energy efficiency, the definition of traffic restrictions in city centre areas for non-eV, the inclusion of clauses on the promotion and use of eVehicles & eChargers in municipal tenders and the launch of wider use of e-bikes in urban transport.

Moreover, new initiatives to foster innovative ways of fair and sustainable employment will be launched to exploit those potential jobs that can be created around MAtchUP project, with a special attention to the inclusion of individuals at risk of exclusion. Finally, support systems will be established to offer professional help to citizens on technical, administrative and funding aspects of local individual initiatives.

Policy improvements

This solution in Valencia

Explore city >
  • City Policies Update: taxes, subsidies, traffic restrictions and electro-mobility promotion
  • MAtchUP employment initiative

This solution in Dresden

Explore city >
  • City Policies Update: taxes, subsidies, traffic management and electro-mobility promotion
  • Single window/desk for energy retrofitting
  • Smart District-Level Energy Renaissance Strategy

This solution in Antalya

Explore city >
  • City Policies Update: taxes, subsidies, traffic management and electro-mobility promotion
  • Single window/desk for energy retrofitting
  • Smart District-Level Energy Renaissance Strategy